Why consultants and why Pegasus


Why Consultants?

Independence – Consultants tend to out-produce their Client counter-parts because external resources are free to look at challenges from a fresh perspective, they are free from inertia and internal politics, and they are unburdened by other tasks and competing responsibilities.

Credibility – Consultants are Specialists who are widely recognized by their peers as Leaders within their Field and Market. Client Talent Pools are only deep within their Core Competencies. The addition of an external Consultant adds instant authority to your Project Team’s credentials. Low Risk/ High Reward – Engaging a Subject Matter Expert on an as-needed basis is the fastest and least expensive way to re-allocate resources. And Consultant performance metrics compare favorably to Employees in terms of net return on expenditure.

Why Pegasus?

Market presence – Because you can’t be everywhere at once, you need a trusted Advocate to ensure that your voice is heard. Pegasus Partners can give you an immediate presence and can represent you as a “Local” in Markets throughout Southeast Asia, India and North America.

Targeted Expertise – Since Time Management is largely a zero-sum game, new priorities generally require the re-assignment of your “best” assets to priority projects. Unfortunately, that also means you are taking your most productive personnel away from other assignments. With Pegasus, you can have it both ways. Our Consultants can apply “next-level” expertise, as-needed, without taking in-house personnel away from their on-going tasks and responsibilities.

Failure is not an Option – Pegasus Clients are very good at what they do. They do not need us for the vast majority of their Business Planning and Operations. But when something outside their strategic or tactical comfort zone needs to be accomplished with urgency, Pegasus is their 9-1-1 number. So don’t think of us every day…just remember us when Failure is not an option.